Come Alive is a movement and collaboration with local churches and mission organisations. Come Alive is hosted by the international mission organisations Arm of Grace International Ry, Jesus to all Nations and Christ for All Nations.
In recent years, as we have proclaimed the gospel with the Christ for all Nations community around the world we have seen an unprecedented number of people coming to faith, with God confirming the gospel through signs, wonders and miracles.
After we had seen hundreds of thousands turn to Jesus across various nations—in Africa, amidst the war in Ukraine, in Germany, and even in the often unreachable Muslim countries of Asia, we thought to ourselves:
From there God started to speak to us about organizing an open air campaign in Helsinki. Things escalated quickly and just a few months later we arranged the first Come Alive event in August 2023.
In that event we praised Jesus in the center of Helsinki and shared the gospel at Töölönlahti event park. Hundreds attended daily, many of whom were young. Over the weekend, dozens repented and chose to follow Jesus. Several were healed, and many experienced the fullness of the Holy Spirit. New converts were baptized and integrated into congregations.